Kevin Harberson is a dedicated real estate professional with a passion for helping others achieve their dreams of owning property in the serene countryside. With a background in flipping houses and a keen eye for real estate opportunities, Kevin embarked on a career in real estate to share her love for country living with others. Specializing in country neighborhoods and larger acreage parcels, Kevin believes that land ownership is not just a financial investment but a source of pride and fulfillment.
In addition to her real estate expertise, Kevin is an accomplished horse enthusiast with a wealth of experience in training and working with horses. With her own cutting horse, Kevin has spent many years honing her skills in cutting and cattle work, showcasing her deep understanding of equine behavior and training techniques. Beyond cutting, Kevin history with horses also included team penning and sorting.
Kevin's dual passions for real estate and horse training converge seamlessly, as she leverages her knowledge of rural properties and her expertise in horse care to assist clients in finding the perfect equestrian property or rural retreat. Her commitment to excellence, coupled with her genuine love for the countryside and its inhabitants, makes Kevin a trusted advisor and invaluable resource for anyone seeking to embrace the joys of country living.
Led by the state's leading expert, Lindsey Hollin, our farm and ranch brokerage is characterized by an unwavering dedication to our client's success. With Lindsey at the helm, you can trust that you're working with the most knowledgeable and respected professional in the field, ensuring your farm or ranch transaction is nothing short of exceptional.